Things You Didn't Know About Cows

Things You Didn't Know About Cows

Cows, often associated with serene landscapes and rolling pastures, are more than just the iconic symbols of rural life. These gentle giants hold a plethora of intriguing facts intriguing facts that might surprise many. Beyond their role in providing milk and beef, these creatures have a rich history and remarkable characteristics that make them an essential part of our world. Here are something you might not know:

1. Share a Lot of Genes with Human:

When scientists mapped out the bovine genome in 2009, they discovered that cattle have about 22,000 genes; 80 percent of their genes are shared with humans.

2. Cows Indicate Wealth

The word "cattle" comes from the Old French "chatel," as in chattel, meaning property. In many parts of the world, cattle remain an indicator of economic wealth.

3. They Love to Laze

Cows spend 10 to 12 hours a day lying down, but most of that is well-earned relaxation time, not sleep.

4. Cows Like Petting

Just like dogs, cows enjoy a good rubdown, whether on the head, neck, or back, as seen in this video of a cow using a "Happycow" machine.

5. Cows Can't See Red

The old adage that bulls charge when they see the color red is simply not true. The color doesn't make them angry; in fact, cows are colorblind by human standards and don't even have a retina receptor that can process red hues. To a raging bull, a bright red cape just looks like a dull yellowish gray. When a matador convinces a bull to charge, it is likely the movement of the waving flag or cape that elicits the response, not the color.

6. Cows Biological Rhythms

Cows, like many living beings, have internal biological rhythms. Their activity and rest patterns are naturally synced with daylight and darkness. The 16 hours of white light align with their active phase, ensuring they are awake, active, and eating during the day, which is in tune with their natural behavior.

7. Lighting Preference:

The Usonic night simulator fixture is an efficient solution designed for dairy barns, combining these optimal lighting conditions seamlessly. Its 16 hours of white light followed by 8 hours of red light support the natural rhythms of cows, ensuring they maintain their routine, even during shifts in human time schedules like Daylight Saving Time. This consistency is crucial for their comfort and well-being.

By providing this constant pattern of light, farmers can ensure their cows remain in a comfortable and familiar routine, resulting in happier cows and potentially better milk production, regardless of human time changes.


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